Monday, December 8, 2008

gingerbread decorating time!

On Friday night we decorated our Christmas tree. We actually decorated two, the other is in Reagan's bedroom.

topping the tree

Yesterday was a busy, fun day. I helped Reagan finish her diorama, which turned out pretty cool in my opinion. We also sat down and wrote her report on the project. She struggled with that for a bit, but I am a tough one and kept her going at it, and she was really happy when she realized she was almost finished. The reward for finishing all her homework was doing the gingerbread house!


Tim, concentrating

A small version compared to what my family does.. my brother phoned last night and said it's getting quite ridiculous, mom has now started building gingerbread bridges over the lake (in the yard of the gingerbread house). The only thing missing on ours is the coconut as snow on the ground!

gingerbread house

The kitchen table

gingerbread house

1 comment:

Spider Girl said...

Hope you had a great Christmas, Melanie! and Tim and Reagan too!